Standard Rotaract Club Constitution Meeting TESTING
Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley
Review of the Rotaract Club Constitution & Bylaws. Also adding amendments and making clarifications to club operations.
Items Discussed:
President Elects (PE)
Vice-Presidents are not automatically President Elect for the following year
IV – Article 6: Membership – PE attend PETs, and to receive training from predecessors.
PE for the upcoming Rotaract year (July to June) be chosen by January 15th
Election to be held for the position (see Election Process below)
Attendance/Event Requirements:
14 meetings (based on 24 meetings in a year)
1 Rotary Meeting
1 Rotary Event
1 Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley Event
Directorship & Executive Roles:
The president’s primary role is to ensure that the club’s professional and leadership development activities are successful and that its service projects benefit the community.
Responsibilities include:
Conducting effective club meetings with detailed agendas that allow enough time for reports from officers and committee members
Chairing meetings of the board of directors
Appointing all standing and special committees, with board approval, and serving as an ex officio member of all committees
Appointing committee chairs based on individuals’ experience, and seeking their opinions about committee members
Delegating responsibilities to help members develop their leadership skills for future club leadership roles
Encouraging club members to get involved in projects by building on their skills and interests
Ensuring that club activities and service projects are successfully promoted and executed
Monitoring membership to maintain an age and gender balance
Communicating and collaborating with the Rotarian adviser, Rotary club members, and district Rotaract officers. In university-based clubs, the president should also consult with the faculty adviser.
Updating club information and membership data every six months through Member Access
Mentor President Elect to ensure a smooth transition for them to step into the role of president
The vice president’s primary role is to support the president.
Responsibilities include:
Presiding over meetings in the president’s absence
Serving on the board of directors and as an ex officio member of all committees
Handling special assignments as directed by the president
Staying current on club goals and activities
Succeeding to the office of president in the event of a vacancy
Help support/mentor President Elect to ensure a smooth transition for them into the capacity of President the following year.
Organize and facilitate rotary mentor program.
PAST PRESIDENT: Matthew Baillie
The immediate past president remains on the executive board with voting rights in the capacity of a club mentor.
The secretary’s primary responsibility is to help the club function efficiently. The secretary should be well organized and have good communication skills.
Responsibilities include:
Maintaining all club records, including membership, committee appointments, attendance, dues payments, and important club documents such as the club’s certificate of organization, budgets, and reports
Notifying the sponsor Rotary Club(s) of club members who are turning 30, to help it identify potential Rotarians
Providing club and member information to the president for regular updates to RI
Taking minutes, a clear and concise written record of meeting discussion and actions, at all club meetings. Minutes should cover these points:
Date, time, and place
Presiding officer
Approval and correction of last meeting’s minutes
Treasurer’s statement
Summary of reports from officers and committees
Summary of agenda (including old and new business) and actions taken
The treasurer works with the secretary to maintain accurate financial records. The treasurer should be a responsible, detail-oriented person.
Responsibilities include:
Chairing the finance committee
Collecting membership dues
Depositing dues and all proceeds from fundraising projects
Paying all club bills and reimbursements for club expenses
Preparing and administering the budget
Preparing a monthly report that accurately details:
Money on hand at the beginning and end of the month
Income, with its source (such as membership dues or fundraising) clearly indicated
Payments, indicating for what and to whom
Ensuring that the club complies with all government financial reporting Requirements
finance committee
Decides how the club will fund its activities
Focuses on keeping dues low and maintaining the club’s ability to support itself
Collects any district and club dues
Seeks in-kind and monetary donations from businesses and organizations
Chair the club services committee
Chair the professional development committee
Maintain social media with club services committee
Plan and implement icebreakers for meetings
club service committee
Develops strategies for recruiting new members and keeping current member’s active
Publicizes the club’s activities to members and the general public
Plans activities for networking and socializing
Maintains a historical record, including pictures and descriptions of club activities
professional development committee
Solicits suggestions from club members for professional development activities
Reviews and plans activities
Explores resources in the community
Leads, organizes, and implements the activities
Chair community services committee
community service committee
Reviews suggestions from members for community service projects to ensure they address real needs and can be successfully carried out by the club
Develops plans for the club’s annual community service project
Leads, organizes, and implements the community service project
Chairs International service committee
international service committee
Reviews members’ suggestions for international service projects to ensure they address real needs and can be successfully carried out by the club
Develops plans for the club’s annual international service project
Leads, organizes, and implements the international service project
Develops additional activities that promote international understanding among club members and in the community
II – Article 9: Separate accounts are not necessary with proper tracking
Currently holds District 5050 Rotaract Funds (overseen by the club Treasurer & District Rotaract Representative)
Election process
To run for a position, they must have been with the club for a minimum of 6 months
Elections will be held for the upcoming Rotaract year during the months of January to March
To be taken seriously – have a nomination period, campaigns (if desired) and speeches
Ensuring those voted into director positions have attended 80% of the meetings
Executive roles are to last for 2 years only (July – June)
In the event there is no one who wants to run for the position, the current executive may remain in the role.
Should a member take on an executive role part way through the Rotaract year, the partial year will not count towards their 2 years
New Members:
Article IV – Admission for the new members shall be $20.00.
Annual dues for returning members shall be $20.00 per member.
Should a member join part way through the year, their membership will be prorated
Quarters: July – September ($20.00) | October – December ($15.00) | January – March ($10.00) | April – June ($5.00)
Meetings (Executive & General)
Executive Meetings occur on the 1st Thursday of every month at 6:00pm, unless otherwise noted. Meeting locations will vary depending on room availability at the University of the Fraser Valley
General Meetings occur on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:45pm, unless otherwise noted. Meeting locations will vary depending on room availability at the University of the Fraser Valley
Updated May 8, 2018