Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley

Date Updated: January 10, 2025

Standard Rotaract Club Constitution Meeting TESTING

Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley



Review of the Rotaract Club Constitution & Bylaws. Also adding amendments and making clarifications to club operations.


Items Discussed:

  • President Elects (PE)

    • Vice-Presidents are not automatically President Elect for the following year

    • IV – Article 6: Membership – PE attend PETs, and to receive training from predecessors.

    • PE for the upcoming Rotaract year (July to June) be chosen by January 15th

      • Election to be held for the position (see Election Process below)


  • Attendance/Event Requirements:

    • 14 meetings (based on 24 meetings in a year)

    • 1 Rotary Meeting

    • 1 Rotary Event

    • 1 Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley Event


  • Directorship & Executive Roles:


The president’s primary role is to ensure that the club’s professional and leadership development activities are successful and that its service projects benefit the community.


Responsibilities include:

  • Conducting effective club meetings with detailed agendas that allow enough time for reports from officers and committee members

  • Chairing meetings of the board of directors

  • Appointing all standing and special committees, with board approval, and serving as an ex officio member of all committees

  • Appointing committee chairs based on individuals’ experience, and seeking their opinions about committee members

  • Delegating responsibilities to help members develop their leadership skills for future club leadership roles

  • Encouraging club members to get involved in projects by building on their skills and interests

  • Ensuring that club activities and service projects are successfully promoted and executed

  • Monitoring membership to maintain an age and gender balance

  • Communicating and collaborating with the Rotarian adviser, Rotary club members, and district Rotaract officers. In university-based clubs, the president should also consult with the faculty adviser.

  • Updating club information and membership data every six months through Member Access

  • Mentor President Elect to ensure a smooth transition for them to step into the role of president



The vice president’s primary role is to support the president.


Responsibilities include:

  • Presiding over meetings in the president’s absence

  • Serving on the board of directors and as an ex officio member of all committees

  • Handling special assignments as directed by the president

  • Staying current on club goals and activities

  • Succeeding to the office of president in the event of a vacancy

  • Help support/mentor President Elect to ensure a smooth transition for them into the capacity of President the following year.

  • Organize and facilitate rotary mentor program.


PAST PRESIDENT: Matthew Baillie

The immediate past president remains on the executive board with voting rights in the capacity of a club mentor.



The secretary’s primary responsibility is to help the club function efficiently. The secretary should be well organized and have good communication skills.


Responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining all club records, including membership, committee appointments, attendance, dues payments, and important club documents such as the club’s certificate of organization, budgets, and reports

  • Notifying the sponsor Rotary Club(s) of club members who are turning 30, to help it identify potential Rotarians

  • Providing club and member information to the president for regular updates to RI

  • Taking minutes, a clear and concise written record of meeting discussion and actions, at all club meetings. Minutes should cover these points:

  • Date, time, and place

  • Presiding officer

  • Attendance

  • Approval and correction of last meeting’s minutes

  • Treasurer’s statement

  • Summary of reports from officers and committees

  • Summary of agenda (including old and new business) and actions taken

  • Announcements

  • Adjournment



The treasurer works with the secretary to maintain accurate financial records. The treasurer should be a responsible, detail-oriented person. 


Responsibilities include:

  • Chairing the finance committee

  • Collecting membership dues

  • Depositing dues and all proceeds from fundraising projects

  • Paying all club bills and reimbursements for club expenses

  • Preparing and administering the budget

  • Preparing a monthly report that accurately details:

  • Money on hand at the beginning and end of the month

  • Income, with its source (such as membership dues or fundraising) clearly indicated

  • Payments, indicating for what and to whom

  • Ensuring that the club complies with all government financial reporting Requirements


finance committee

  • Decides how the club will fund its activities

  • Focuses on keeping dues low and maintaining the club’s ability to support itself

  • Collects any district and club dues

  • Seeks in-kind and monetary donations from businesses and organizations



  • Chair the club services committee

  • Chair the professional development committee

  • Maintain social media with club services committee

  • Plan and implement icebreakers for meetings


club service committee

  • Develops strategies for recruiting new members and keeping current member’s active

  • Publicizes the club’s activities to members and the general public

  • Plans activities for networking and socializing

  • Maintains a historical record, including pictures and descriptions of club activities


professional development committee

  • Solicits suggestions from club members for professional development activities

  • Reviews and plans activities

  • Explores resources in the community

  • Leads, organizes, and implements the activities



  • Chair community services committee


community service committee

  • Reviews suggestions from members for community service projects to ensure they address real needs and can be successfully carried out by the club

  • Develops plans for the club’s annual community service project

  • Leads, organizes, and implements the community service project



  • Chairs International service committee


international service committee

  • Reviews members’ suggestions for international service projects to ensure they address real needs and can be successfully carried out by the club

  • Develops plans for the club’s annual international service project

  • Leads, organizes, and implements the international service project

  • Develops additional activities that promote international understanding among club members and in the community


  • Treasurer:

    • II – Article 9: Separate accounts are not necessary with proper tracking


  • Currently holds District 5050 Rotaract Funds (overseen by the club Treasurer & District Rotaract Representative)


  • Election process

    • To run for a position, they must have been with the club for a minimum of 6 months

    • Elections will be held for the upcoming Rotaract year during the months of January to March

      • To be taken seriously – have a nomination period, campaigns (if desired) and speeches

    • Ensuring those voted into director positions have attended 80% of the meetings

    • Executive roles are to last for 2 years only (July – June)

      • In the event there is no one who wants to run for the position, the current executive may remain in the role. 

      • Should a member take on an executive role part way through the Rotaract year, the partial year will not count towards their 2 years


  • New Members:

    • Article IV – Admission for the new members shall be $20.00. 

    • Annual dues for returning members shall be $20.00 per member. 

    • Should a member join part way through the year, their membership will be prorated

      • Quarters: July – September ($20.00) | October – December ($15.00) | January – March ($10.00) | April – June ($5.00)


  • Meetings (Executive & General)

    • Executive Meetings occur on the 1st Thursday of every month at 6:00pm, unless otherwise noted. Meeting locations will vary depending on room availability at the University of the Fraser Valley

    • General Meetings occur on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:45pm, unless otherwise noted. Meeting locations will vary depending on room availability at the University of the Fraser Valley


Updated May 8, 2018
