Standard Rotaract Club Constitution Meeting
Tri-Cities Rotaract & Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley
May 6, 2015 | 8:30pm – 10:30pm | Phoenix’s House (Coquitlam)
In Attendance:
District Rotaract Rep. | PP Tri-Cities |
President Tri-Cities |
President Elect Tri-Cities |
Treasurer Tri-Cities |
Secretary RCFV |
Communications RCFV |
Vice President | PE RCFV |
Review of the Rotaract Club Constitution & Bylaws. Also adding amendments and making clarifications to club operations.
Items Discussed:
- President Elects (PE)
- Vice-Presidents are not automatically President Elect for the following year
- IV – Article 6: Membership – PE attend PETs, and to receive training from predecessors.
- PE for the upcoming Rotaract year (July to June) be chosen by January 15th
- Election to be held for the position (see Election Process below)
- Attendance:
- 14 events must be attended
- Directorship & Executive Roles:
- Look at the Rotaract Handbook and further develop rules and duties of all club positions
- Treasurer:
- II – Article 9: Separate accounts are not necessary with proper tracking
- Figure out new membership things
- Election process
- To run for a position, they must have been with the club for a minimum of 6 months
- Elections will be held for the upcoming Rotaract year during the months of January to March
- To be taken seriously – have a nomination period, campaigns (if desired) and speeches
- Ensuring those voted into director positions have attended 80% of the meetings
- Executive roles are to last for 2 years only (July – June)
- In the event there is no one who wants to run for the position, the current executive may remain in the role.
- Should a member take on an executive role part way through the Rotaract year, the partial year will not count towards their 2 years
- New Members:
- Article IV – Admission for the new members shall be $25.00.
- Annual dues for returning members shall be $20.00 per member.
- Should a member join part way through the year, their membership will be prorated
- Quarters: July – September ($20.00) | October – December ($15.00) | January – March ($10.00) | April – June ($5.00)
- They will also have to pay their $5.00 registration fee
- Quarters: July – September ($20.00) | October – December ($15.00) | January – March ($10.00) | April – June ($5.00)