Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley

Date Updated: January 11, 2025


January 28, 2021


In Attendance:

Abby Sumas: 

  • Mike Adkins
  • Mike Hellinger


Mission AM:

  • Elspeth 
  • Jessica McKay
  • Janet Chalmers


AG: Allan Asaph

Fraser Valley: 

  • Adam Hill
  • Alex Carmichael
  • Phoenix MacLaren
  • Brenna Hay
  • Tyson Boucher 



  1. Welcome
  2. Club Update
    1. Music Bingo
    2. Youth Programs
      1. YAIL
      2. RYLA
  3. Big Challenges
  4. Expectations of Relationship
  5. Questions & Concerns 


Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley Sponsorship Agreement


PURPOSE: This document was prepared to provide more clarity on the expectations between our Rotaract club and sponsoring club(s). It is based off of the expectations outlined in the Rotaract Handbook (562-EN–(920)). 


It describes the expectations the Rotaract Club of the Fraser Valley and its members have to be accountable to the sponsoring club(s) and the expectations the club and its members have of its sponsoring club(s).


This document should be reviewed on a yearly basis with both the Rotaract club and it’s sponsoring club(s) to ensure the expectations are understood and mutually agreed upon.


The expectations listed below will be used as indicators to evaluate the relationship between the Rotaract club and sponsoring club(s). Should either party not meet expectations, a discussion should be initiated to determine the challenges and successes, and make recommendations for possible outcomes including:

  • Relationship to be on probation pending identified steps to improve based on an agreed upon timeframe.
  • Relationship to be terminated based on mutually agreed decision and approval from both the Rotaract club and sponsoring club’s board of directors.


For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out: [email protected] 

Rotary Club Expectations

Facilitate (for Advisors)

  • Attend 1 event a month (meeting, fundraiser, or service project)
  • Help maintain accurate club records and manage club funds.
  • Help coordinate the Rotaract club calendar of events with the sponsor club.


Mentor & Motivate

  • Offer support  during project planning and implementation.
  • Give Rotaract members meaningful roles in Rotary club meetings and events so they’ll want to stay involved in Rotary for years to come.
  • Encourage them to build strong, flexible, and innovative clubs that support Rotary’s Action Plan.
  • Optional: Create mentorship and professional development opportunities that match sponsor club members with Rotaractors based on interests, career path, or expertise.


Learn Together

  • Invite Rotaractors to your district conferences and attend district Rotaract training events.
  • For sponsor Rotary clubs, pay for and strongly encourage Rotaract club officers, directors, and committee chairs to attend training events to share ideas and network with Rotaract and Rotary leaders.
  • Talk with Rotaract leaders to learn what strategies they use to promote Rotaract, train emerging leaders, and help clubs grow.
  • Optional: Attend the annual Rotaract Preconvention to exchange ideas, learn from engaging speakers, and enhance the connection between Rotaract and Rotary internationally.


Partner to Serve

  • Volunteer at Rotaract club service projects and invite Rotaractors to join your club’s projects and fundraisers. We would like to be invited to be part of the planning process if possible.
  • Develop joint service projects that build on each club’s strengths and give Rotaractors the chance to take the lead.
  • For sponsor Rotary clubs, involve Rotaract clubs in your global grant projects to give them experience working on large, international projects.


Promote Rotaract

  • Recognize Rotaractors’ accomplishments at sponsor club meetings and events.
  • Encourage clubs to earn the Rotary Citation for Rotaract Clubs and to nominate their service projects to receive a Rotaract Outstanding Project Award.
  • Commemorate World Rotaract Week each March with a joint project or activity.
  • Share how Rotaract makes a difference in your community during Youth Service Month in May.
  • Promote Rotaract in the community.


Strengthen Rotary Connections

  • Encourage Rotaractors to serve as mentors for Interactors or volunteers at RYLA events.
  • Design a New Generations Service Exchange that gives Rotaractors the chance to combine their professional goals with a humanitarian project in another country.
  • Encourage Rotaractors to apply for a scholarship or Rotary Peace Fellowship.

Rotaract Club Expectations

Facilitate (for Members)

  • Attend 1 event every quarter (meeting, fundraiser, or service project)
  • Communicate on a regular basis with events to all sponsoring clubs


Mentor & Motivate

  • Offer support  during project planning and implementation.
  • Provide valuable feedback in meetings and events we participate in
  • Optional: Request mentorship and professional development opportunities that match sponsor club members with Rotaractors based on interests, career path, or expertise.


Learn Together

  • Request Rotaractors to district conferences and attend district Rotaract training events.
  • Request sponsor Rotary clubs to pay for and strongly encourage Rotaract club officers, directors, and committee chairs to attend training events to share ideas and network with Rotaract and Rotary leaders.
  • Talk with Rotary leaders to learn what strategies they use to promote Rotaract, train emerging leaders, and help clubs grow.
  • Optional: Attend the annual Rotaract Preconvention to exchange ideas, learn from engaging speakers, and enhance the connection between Rotaract and Rotary internationally.


Partner to Serve

  • Volunteer at Rotary club service projects and invite Rotarians to join our club’s projects and fundraisers. 
  • Develop joint service projects that build on each club’s strengths and give Rotaractors the chance to take the lead.
  • Actively participate in global grant projects to give them experience working on large, international projects.


Promote Rotary

  • Recognize Rotary Clubs and/or Rotarian’s accomplishments at our club meetings and events.
  • Commemorate World Rotaract Week each March with a joint project or activity.
  • Promote Rotary in the community.


Strengthen Rotary Connections

  • Encourage Rotarians to support district youth events by sponsoring members to attend.